Desiree Rodriguez

Writer. Designer. Dreamer.
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Geek Girls are Here To Stay

By  Unknown     5:54 PM    Labels:,,,, 
There's been a long standing--and unfortunate--tradition of men making women feel uncomfortable in their--or what they believe is theirs--spaces.  Around May there was some controversy surrounding the cover of Teen Titans, DC's popular teen-centric comic.  The cover featured a teenage Wondergirl with breasts strangely shaped like cantaloupes.  Wondergirl isn't the first adolescent young girl to be sexualized in comics, and she won't be the last.  But the fact that we all know this is troubling to say the least, which is exactly what Comic Book Resources writer Janelle Asselin pointed out in her critique of the title.   In my piece I examine the aftermath of Asselin's own commentary and the sexism female geeks face in the comic book world. 

For female geeks everywhere, we all know it can be hard to find a place within the community. The last few weeks have been particularly difficult for lady geeks. A recent article by Comic Book Resources guest writer Janelle Asselin critiquing the newly released cover of the upcoming Teen Titans issue one sent clashing waves of support and contempt throughout the online geek community. While the article was a logical and balanced critique, others, including DC artist Brett Booth, felt otherwise.
Read the full article at PaperDroids! 

About Unknown

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