Desiree Rodriguez

Writer. Designer. Dreamer.
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Dog Lover

By  Unknown     7:06 PM    Labels: 
Read my short story, "Dog Lover" on Your Story Club!  First time really putting my work out there so I'm excited! 
Michelle woke with bleary eyes, blinking against the harsh ray of sunlight that pelted her from the doorway.  She groaned turning over.  Michelle had repeatedly told her sister to leave her door closed.  The windows of their hallway were positioned in such a way that the light pierced right into her room like a knife.  She gave a cautionary glance towards the clock that blinked a mournful nine-forty-five.  Michelle whined long and high, burrowing deeper into the freshly cleaned burrow of her blankets.  The smell of fabricated citrus and mint lulled her back asleep in a matter of seconds.  
Michelle was sure no more than two seconds had passed when her phone alarm blasted out like police sirens in her ear through her pillow.  Hands sluggish, but moving with determined purpose, Michelle silenced the shrill call and crawled back into her warm ring of blankets and pillows.  It was her day off, and Michelle was determined to sleep in.
Then the dogs started barking.
Read full story at Your Story Club 

About Unknown

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