Desiree Rodriguez

Writer. Designer. Dreamer.
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Vote for Your Favorite Banner!

By  Unknown     7:27 PM    Labels:, 
So a Facebook group I belong to, Women Creating Comics, (that I need to be more active in networking is key!) recently posted a contest call for new banners. I decided to enter and the following gallery is what I’ve come up with.

I struggled with various ideas and I’m not 100% happy with any of them. I like the pinned up pictures; I wanted to include lots of different comic book characters along with women who are creating comics currently to keep with the theme. The work desk I feel is to plain but I was going for the desk of a creator. The last one I like a lot and originally I left out the comic textures, but after adding them in I think it looks a lot better. That's my favorite out of the bunch. 

About Unknown

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