Desiree Rodriguez

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Captain America Doesn’t Need To Be A Jerk To Be Interesting

By  Unknown     5:53 PM    Labels:,,,,, 
Anyone else sick of dark, gritty superheroes who are kind of jerks?  I sure am, which is why Captain America is such a breath of fresh air.  So why do some people want to change him?  He's perfectly imperfect in all his goodness already.
Recently Vulture writer Abraham Riesman wrote a piece outlining why Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, would be more interesting if he was, excuse the language, a prick. He later goes on to wax poetically about how Ultimate Captain America is a much more interesting version of the star spangled hero, compared to the dry good guy of Marvel’s main 616 comic universe. 
As if we don’t have enough angst ridden anti-heroes on the loose in our media.

About Unknown

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