Desiree Rodriguez

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Internalized Misogyny within the Geek Community

By  Unknown     6:13 PM    Labels:,, 
When geek culture started to truly flourish with the increasing profitability of superhero movies, supernaturally based TV shows, and renewed interest in the science fiction and fantasy genres, new fans started pouring in. The effect of social media is a large community of fans — or fandom. Keeping in contact, planning events, having meet-and-greets, and developing friendships has become a staple of online fandoms. Sharing theories on the latest episode of Sleepy Hollow, debates on the original Star Trek series vs. the reboot, speculation on upcoming Marvel movies, gushing over the newest Flash trailer, and complaining about the wait between Sherlock series, are parts of belonging to the geek community. Not everyone likes the same shows, movies, books, or comics, but everyone can belong to a fandom within the larger community. 
At least, this is the core of what a community should be.
Read full article at FeministWire! 

About Unknown

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