Desiree Rodriguez

Writer. Designer. Dreamer.
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Women, Words, Werewolves, and a Life in Three Parts: A Joint Review of Age of the Wolf

By  Unknown     8:48 PM    Labels:,,,, 
I recently did a joint review with Claire Napier another writer for WWAC for the title Age of the Wolf.  Which was amazing!  Claire had a lot of great input on the title itself, and we were able to talk in-depth about the high and low points of the title.  It’s more of a fantasy werewolf story than a horror based one which was refreshing in some aspects.  Others – such as the pacing – lacked greatly but it was still a blast to get to review this title with Claire.
Age of the Wolf is a story about a young woman named Rowan forced into a prophecy that requires her to sacrifice her life for the greater good. The book follows her story through three story arcs of Rowan’s life battling a predestined fate in a post-apocalyptic world inhabited by werewolves. By artist Jon Davis-Hunt and writer Alec Worley, through publisher Rebellion, and first appearing serialized in 2000AD, Age of the Wolf combines the classic horror elements of the werewolf mythos along with interesting fantasy symbolism and allusions.
Age of the Wolf is rife with symbolism; some of which I enjoyed, some of which I felt fell a little flat. I enjoyed the small callbacks to other myths – the bit about little red riding hood was clever without being overwrought – as well as the small details such as the words “Legend” on Rowan’s sweatshirt.

About Unknown

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