Desiree Rodriguez

Writer. Designer. Dreamer.
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By  Unknown     8:08 AM    Labels:,,, 

I’ve struggled with body issues since middle school. There, I said it. I was a chubby, short, frizzy-haired teenager who couldn’t stand to look in the mirror for more than a few seconds. Working out didn’t fix that; I fixed that. And when I did, working out became something I enjoyed, instead of something I felt obligated to do because of personal insecurities.
The internet, however, isn’t truly conducive to aiding me in my quest.
I searched, I scoured, but in the end even Pinterest wasn’t really beneficial in the long-run. I’m simply not the type of person who learns that way. I was also completely unready to truly devote myself to it. With such a shaky plan, any motivation I found would be quickly washed away when life got in the way.
Which is the first thing I learned when I decided to sit down, and really dedicate myself to this.
Make a plan.
Get fancy and put up a whiteboard chart outlining your routine. Go simple and use a notepad. Whatever works –just make a plan.

About Unknown

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